In August Community First community development worker Jane Linford made Alton U3A a musical offer.

Jane said she had a local contact who refurbished acoustic guitars and ukuleles and donated them to groups and charities in East Hampshire.

She asked the U3A if it would like a ukulele, and with the organisation having two ukulele groups its answer was ”yes please”.

On September 16, Ukulele for Beginners group leader Roger Burgin, Ukulele for Fun group leader Brian Good and membership secretary Colin Aiken met Dario Galasso of Selborne Guitars, who has a small workshop at home where he spends his spare time working on musical instruments.

After introductions, Dario handed over the ukulele to Roger and Brian, who were both delighted with it. It will be put to good use by the U3A.

For acoustic instrument repairs, call Dario on 07484 631092 or email [email protected]

For details of Alton U3A visit