A former GP surgery in a village east of Alton is set for a new lease of life.

Plans to convert Bentley’s former surgery into housing have been approved by East Hampshire District Council.

The building off Hole Lane will be converted into a pair of semi-detached houses each containing three bedrooms.

A further three houses – one detached and a pair of semi-detached properties – will also be constructed with the plans also including parking and gardens.

The applicants insist the proposals are “sustainable” and would bring a “vacant building back into an economic and viable use” as the GP surgery closed in March 2022.

The surgery closed following a change in NHS structure with no offers from potential community or business users being received in the 12 months after closure.

“The redevelopment of the site for residential purposes represents the only viable use for the site,” states Hedley Clark in the firm’s planning statement.

“The proposal provides a sensitive solution that enables the efficient use of the site whilst respecting the character and established grain of this part of the village.”

While the scheme was ultimately approved by EHDC, there was some limited local opposition with one objector claiming the development is not “in the best interest of the Bentley community”.

The objector added: “This site was allocated for use by the village residents. 

“If the site cannot currently be used for another surgery or community activity, it could be rented to a local business until such need arises again.”