Students at Churcher's College in Petersfield have bucked the national trend with yet another highly complimentary set of results.
Overall, the Churcher’s GCSE exam success compares very favourably with last year and on the pre-Covid levels as well, with almost half of all the GCSE exams taken at the exceptional Grade 9 or 8 level.

Simon Williams, headmaster, said: "Despite all the Covid disruption over recent years, the students here have coped remarkably well and now can enjoy rich and very well-deserved reward for all their brilliant efforts.
"As ever there are some quite exceptional stars with seven enjoying all or almost all Grade 9 in their eleven GCSE exams.
"But what sets many apart at Churcher’s is that not only do the students achieve huge success in exams but they also are particularly impressive outside as well with honours galore on stage, in the concert hall, on the sports pitches and in challenging adventurous activities.

"It is not surprising that we have a record number wishing to join the Sixth Form here from outside and, from September, we expand to have a two-form entry into Reception year group in our Junior School to try and cope with increasing demand.
"The sunshine has arrived in Petersfield, literally and metaphorically."