Eleven schools in the Alton Cluster Primary Schools group held their annual swimming gala at Alton Sports Centre on January 16.
This was the ninth time the event had been held since it began in January 2014 at the instigation of the then PE cluster manager Leo Maliphant.
It was designed as a friendly swimming gala for boys and girls in Years 3 to 6 and a race schedule was formulated which has been used on each occasion.
It covers different strokes and a variety of individual and team races. Each school can enter a team of up to 16 swimmers, creating a community event for 176 children.
The organising and teacher liaison staff member is now Robert Day, PE lead at St Mary’s Bentworth.
He said: “It is an amazing sporting occasion which I had the pleasure of being involved with as a school teacher bringing a team of swimmers when the event was held at the former Alton Sports Centre.
“The last one there was January 2020, just before Covid hit and the new sports centre opened. It has been a real joy to once again run the event at the current site. The enjoyment and sportsmanship that the participants display at the morning’s event is truly magical.”
Magnus Weighton, head coach of Alton & District Swimming Club, added: “Swimming is a life skill and to see so many children actively participating in an event such as this gala is incredible and uplifting.
“The atmosphere on poolside is both electric and supportive, and it is all thanks to the volunteers, teachers, staff and swimmers. It is my hope that the gala remains as a yearly fixture in the primary calendar for years to come.”
The Butts won the division for larger schools and St Mary’s Bentworth won the division for smaller schools.