Crime levels in Alton reached a 12-month high in July with 122 incidents being reported.

The latest figures on the website suggest that crime is on the rise in Alton as the figure is nearly double the 66 reported in February.

It’s also above the previous high figure of 110 set in August 2023 and the 107 recorded in January.

Some 63 of the 122 incidents reported in July involved violence or sexual offences while anti-social behaviour (17) was the second most reported crime.

Ten incidents of criminal damage or arson were reported with a further nine and five offences involving shoplifting or drugs, respectively.

The most “crime-ridden” area of Alton was the Church Street car park with 23 offences being recorded within a short distance of the site.

The residential street with the most criminal activity was The Lamports – five incidents, all involving violence or sexual offences – with Florence Way close behind on four.

Things were quieter in the Alton Rural patch with 48 offences altogether, although four public order offences were reported in Bentley during the month.

There were also seven reports of vehicle crime around the patch with two being reported close to the nature reserve in Burkham, while a crime involving drugs was investigated at Kings Hill in Beech.

The tiny village of Newton Valence was also a surprising hotspot during the month with burglary accounting for two of the three crimes reported.

Some 19 crimes were reported altogether in its Four Marks and Ropley patch.