Things were different back in June: no-one was thinking about winter fuel payments and many people had their fingers crossed for a long and hot summer.

We all know what happened next, but the disappointing latter did at least provide a highlight in Shalden with nine groups getting a handout from organisers of this year’s village fete.

This year’s fete had a record attendance and raised an impressive £4,000 for a host of local good causes.

Representatives and ambassadors were all smiles on Saturday, September 7, as they collected their funds and posed for a “cheque handover presentation” photocall.

Village recipients included Shalden village hall and the church fabric and organ fund, while Dementia Friendly Alton and St Mary’s Bentworth CE Primary School also received a handout.

Donations were also handed to Alton & Basingstoke Cardiac Rehab, Hampshire Air Ambulance, MacMillan Cancer Care, Naomi House Children’s Hospice and St Michael’s House Hospice.