East Hampshire District Council (EHDC) has been shortlisted for a national award and will learn the results this summer.

The council is up for the ‘Most Improved Council’ at the Local Government Chronicle (LGC) Awards. There were nearly 1,000 entries to the awards which celebrate excellence in local government.

EHDC was shortlisted after making huge changes and completely transforming the way it operates. Key highlights include making savings of £1.51 million, moving to greener and more efficient headquarters; reshaping its community work from dependency on grant funding to building capacity in the voluntary sector; and launching a new district team which tackles potential issues before they become problems in communities.

Cllr Richard Millard, EHDC leader, said: “We are so excited to be shortlisted for this award because we have worked doggedly to transform the organisation and so receiving this recognition is a fantastic boost.

“This has been a whole-council effort and has been driven by our dedicated and talented officers who have delivered beyond our expectations.

“Ultimately our transformation enables us to deliver more for our residents and that’s what we’re all about.

“Being shortlisted out of nearly 1,000 entrants is absolutely brilliant and we are excited about the next stage of the challenge.”

Following yet another record year for entries, entrants demonstrated outstanding practice as well as cutting-edge innovations and the judges were very impressed with the extremely high standard.

Shortlisted organisations will now complete presentations and interviews to a specific judging panel made up of senior and influential figures within local government.

LGC editor Sarah Calkin commented: “It’s brilliant to see the whole local government family represented on this year’s shortlist – from town councils to combined authorities – as well as all four nations of the UK. Best of luck to all of those shortlisted.”

Winners will be announced on June 11 at Grosvenor House, London.