Sixteen people have been recommended for appointment to two groups which will have a role in the future of Kings Pond in Alton.
Alton Town Council requested applications for membership of a Task and Finish Group, which would be responsible for work on the pond management project, and a Community and Stakeholder Group, which would spread information on the scheme and give feedback to the Task and Finish Group.
Applicants could be members of the public or representatives of organisations. They were asked about their experience, what they knew about the Kings Pond Feasibility Project, whether they were members of community groups and their availability to attend meetings.
They were also asked about their ‘openness’ - whether they were open-minded to consider both the dredging and the pond-and-river options.
The Task and Finish Group already includes town councillors Peter Wadman, Don Hammond and Doug Richards.
Sixteen responses were received and Cllr Wadman met town council officers on February 18 to undertake an initial review of the applications.
It was recommended to appoint Angela Owens, Eric Phillips, Timothy Pinchen, Catherine Ayres, Paul Ebbutt, Ryan Doran and John Quincey to the Task and Finish Group, and Terri Quincey, Patrick Swaby, Dr June Chatfield, Olivia Paynter, James Willis, Jenny Griffiths, Cathy Wilson, Vicky Kuhn and Maggie Hage to the Community and Stakeholder Group.
Representatives from the Environment Agency, the River Wey Trust and East Hampshire District Council’s planning department will be invited to join the Task and Finish Group and attend meetings as and when required to provide expert opinion.
If the town council backs the recommendation at its meeting in Alton Town Hall on March 5 at 7pm, invitations will be sent to those appointed to the Task and Finish Group to attend an inaugural meeting at which the draft terms of reference will be discussed and agreed, and dates set for future meetings.
All those appointed to the Community and Stakeholder Group will be notified and advised that a separate meeting will be held, the date and time of which is yet to be agreed.