A social enterprise’s Ukrainian art group has been awarded funding to continue for two years in Petersfield. 

The Creatful group received £13,758 from East Hampshire District Council (EHDC). It is run weekly by Ukrainian artist and fashion design graduate Maryna Melynk, and is taught in Ukrainian at St Laurence Church.

Creatful founder, Nancy Fellows, said: “There is a strong Ukrainian community in East Hampshire and we don't want people to forget that.

“We get lovely feedback from attendees, they'll often talk about how nice it is to be able to come and take some time away from daily stresses.

“Children who are studying all day in English (which isn't their first language) get to come away from that and do some art.”

The Post recently went along to one of the sessions, where participants were learning how to do Petrykivka. It is a traditional Ukrainian painting style that focuses on the technique used in the brush strokes.

Maryna said: “We use the most traditional tools for Petrykivka and the end of the brush is very thin.

“I love it very much because there are so many different types of patterns, maybe millions and we usually study Petrykivka at school.

“There are four main strokes, when you combine them together they create fantastic flowers, plants and berries.”

She added that it is an incredible honour for the group to receive funding, in recognition of its role in the local Ukrainian community.

Cllr Adeel Shah, EHDC’s Portfolio Holder for Community Development and Engagement, commented: “I know from families that have attended that they very much value the support the group offers.

“Maryna Melynk is very passionate about what she does and wants to help many families and bring them joy while they face ongoing challenges of having lives here and often in Ukraine too.”