Despite fleeing their home in war-torn Ukraine and adapting to life in the UK, Ukrainian students at The Petersfield School (TPS) have excelled in their GCSEs.

Alice and Cassie U, Kristina F and Sofiia V were delighted with their results and already have plans for further study.

Headteacher Mark Marande commented: “They joined in the middle of a school journey and I was really proud of how our community welcomed them. Making them feel like this is their school which it is and they've achieved some phenomenal results.

“All of them have picked up several Grade As and A stars, which is seven to nine in the new system. We are especially proud of them and all the students.”

Sofiia said: “We arrived in the summer of 2022 and it was so different - the language, the exam system. But we were welcomed by the students and staff and we quickly made friends.”