A footpath into Jane Austen’s village is in want of a good tidy-up with a disgruntled resident branding the route “a disgrace”.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that Hampshire County Council is facing drastic cuts to plug a £138million funding gap.

But one place where cutbacks would be welcome is the footpath from the village to the A31 roundabout and the bus stop on Northfield Lane – as overgrown vegetation has made the route “virtually impassable”.

Local resident John Bird has pleaded for HCC to bring out the strimmer and address the route’s “shocking condition”.

He believes the state of the route from Northfield Lane to Chawton is a disgrace due to the village’s worldwide appeal and makes a poor impression to visitors arriving by bus from Winchester.

He said: “While the bus stop is just under half a mile away, it involves a near suicidal crossing of four lanes of the A31.

“That’s an all-year hazard but at the moment the tarmac pavement that forms the route is virtually impassable in places due to overgrown brambles, giant nettles, out of control wildflowers and very long grass.”

He added: “Considering how many international visitors arrive this way doing a combined trip to Winchester, I can’t imagine what they think about the state of Britain in 2024.

Overgrown Chawton A31 path PIC2
Another view of the overgrown footpath (John Bird)

“This is a disgrace in one of East Hampshire’s tourist hotspots – why doesn’t the council show some love for its treasures?”

Verges outside the village are the responsibility of HCC with a spokesperson hinting that action will soon be taken.

The spokesperson said: “Our highways team are assessing the site and will arrange for action to be taken at the earliest opportunity.”

“We would encourage residents to report overgrown vegetation on the public highway via www.hants.gov.uk/transport/highways/report-a-problem/treehedge.”