A conservation group has celebrated a perfect ten for their help at a beauty spot in Alton last weekend.

Ten volunteers took part in some routine maintenance and repair work at Flood Meadows last Sunday, August 18.

Vegetation around paths was cleared and cut back, banks were repaired and some berms were rebuilt during the latest two-hour session. Volunteers also picked litter and tackled some fools watercress during the jovial event with refreshments being provided.

Volunteers were overseen by figures from the Alton Society offshoot, The Friends of Flood Meadows, with sessions taking place on the third Sunday of the month.

Extra hands will be welcome at their September 15 session with volunteers asked to meet at the Tan House Lane end of Flood Meadows at 10am.

No experience or equipment is required but wellington boots are recommended, for more details and further details email Bob Booker at [email protected]