Planners look are ready to call time on a long-closed village pub near Alton as conversion plans look set for approval.

An application to fill The Golden Pot with housing has been recommended for approval with four homes proposed for the crossroads site in Shalden.

The proposals lodged by D&M Planning Ltd include converting the vacant watering hole into a four-bedroom house and demolition of surrounding outbuildings.

Three family homes, ranging in size from three to four bedrooms, will be built behind the pub around a central courtyard if the plans are approved.

Plans to redevelop the site have been at least two years in the making with the applicants stressing the pub offers “no realistic opportunity of being a viable enterprise in the future”.

The application will come before the EHDC Planning Committee when they meet at 6.30pm next Wednesday, June 26, at Monterrey House in Petersfield.