Older residents living opposite a Clanfield primary school are fed up with parents parking in their car park. 

Swallow Court occupants are constantly telling parents dropping and picking their children up from Clanfield Junior School not to park in their private space. 

There is a sign that clearly states “Private - residents parking only”. But parents don’t appear to care and some verbally abuse the residents.

“It is mayhem morning and afternoon,” said site manager Mary O’Rourke.

“We've looked at a barrier but it's too dangerous when we thought about an ambulance coming in.”

It is so severe that a lady in her nineties was severely sworn at and told to die by a parent when she tried to explain about the parking.

Ms O’Rourke added: “That shook her for weeks and she didn’t want to come out at all.”

Residents also struggle to get to doctor’s appointments due to parents’ cars blocking them in. It also creates a difficult situation if there is an emergency and the services can’t get through.

Resident Patricia Russell said: “They park and they say ‘I'm only going to be here five minutes’. If we’re trying to go to an appointment we can’t get out.

“We've done almost everything we can do and we are getting nowhere.”

A Hampshire County Council spokesperson commented: “Our parking enforcement officers are not responsible for managing parking on private land.

“If using a car, parents are urged to be considerate about where they park and respect any parking restrictions such as double yellow lines.

“At Clanfield Junior School the plan actively encourages parents to park further away from the school and walk the last leg of the journey. This has already led to a ten per cent reduction in car travel to and from school this year.”

The school was contacted for comment.