THE reserved matters application for a replacement sports centre for Alton is coming back before East Hampshire District Council’s (EHDC) planning committee at Penns Place, Petersfield, on Thursday (March 1), at 6pm.

The application was deferred by the committee at a meeting on February 12 “in order for the applicant to demonstrate quantifiable evidence of how it has engaged the relevant stakeholders in mitigating Policies CP16 and CP17 of the Joint Core Strategy (Local Plan) and Policy CH2 of the Alton Neighbourhood Plan, within the 15 minute drive time of the new facility”.

Policies CP16 and CP17 relate to the provision of like-for-like sporting facilities, and policy CH2 states that a replacement sports centre facility should provide “an enhanced level of recreational provision for Alton in terms of quality and quantity”.

Thursday’s agenda includes a supplementary engagement report from Everyone Active documenting the timeline of activities leading up to the application, which is available at