The headteacher of an Alton school has thanked students for making their mark in a moving farewell statement to the class of 2024.

There were scenes of cheers and celebration at Amery Hill School as staff congratulated students for their “fantastic GCSE results”.

But results day was also a poignant one for Rob Jeckells, as it was his first as Amery Hill headteacher having taken over the school in September 2023.

He’s been thoroughly expressed with the “grit and genuine commitment” shown by the cohort, especially as many began their GCSE journey in the confines of lockdown.

He said: “Throughout their time at our school, the students of this year group have set an excellent example, both through these qualities, and through their kindness and consideration to each other, and to other members of the school community.

“At Amery Hill, our school motto is ‘Education for Life’. We want our students to leave us as positive and confident individuals, who feel absolutely ready for their next steps in life, and the challenges they may encounter.

“And, despite two disrupted years of secondary education as a result of the pandemic, working alongside dedicated staff, and with strong parental support, our students have shown what strength of character, aspiration and determination can achieve.

Mr Jeckells added: “Our ‘Class of 2024’ is now well placed to move beyond the school gates and is in the very best place to head onto college, apprenticeships or work-based training.

“Although I have only worked with this cohort of students since I joined Amery Hill in September 2023, I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with them. “Alongside all members of our school community, wish them the very best of luck, and success and happiness in the future.”

The school has not posted any GCSEs figures or percentages on its website.