There will be no new skate park at Jubilee Recreation Ground following the removal of the previous one.

Bramshott & Liphook Parish Council removed the old skate park as it was beyond economic repair.

Due to the proximity to neighbouring houses and a history of antisocial behaviour, with the old Allianz site being developed and that there will be older people living right on the boundary. 

A decision was made by the Parish Council to not replace the skate park and focus on turning the area into a quiet space and a place for young children to play.

The Council added: “We will be resurfacing the tarmac area that housed the old skate park, and adding a painted roadway, with some undulations, making it fun for small bikes and scooters.

“We plan to install some raised beds and benches too and hope that residents will also be able to enjoy it as a quiet space.”