A donkey foal stolen from a petting farm in Hampshire has been found and returned home to its mum.
Miller's Ark farm in Hook shared the "amazing news" on Thursday morning two weeks after the little donkey 'Moon' had been reported missing.
It said: "Moon is home! Yesterday evening we travelled to Buckinghamshire, liaised with Thames Valley Police and have recovered little Moon.
"We are beyond thrilled and mum and foal are finally back together. Moon appears to be in good health, thank heaven, and we will make sure that Moon and her mum Astra get lots of love and care as they rediscover each other.

"A huge thank you to all streams of the media who spread the story further, Thames Valley Police for their quick response and Surrey and Hampshire Police for their work behind the scenes."
Miller's Ark has shared a video of the moment Moon was returned home to its farm near Hook on Facebook.
Miller's Ark provides animal therapy and interactive experiences to help people with a variety of difficulties. The charity also provides for at-risk species and ensures they develop and thrive in a safe and nurturing space.
Moon was taken from her mother Astra on May 15, and a member of the public said they saw a donkey in the back of a car in Farnham that afternoon.
Hampshire Constabulary said it had received “multiple calls from members of the public with possible sightings of the donkey” and conformed the theft of Moon remained under investigation, adding: “All lines of enquiry are being followed up.”
A reward of £10,000 was offered for the safe return of Moon and a GoFundMe page started by Jules Hamilton to provide a security system for Miller's Ark has also so far raised more than £6,000.