A charity which fights isolation and provides Altonians with a vital place to meet and chat will celebrate a milestone tomorrow (Friday, September 13).

Birthday cake could be on the menu as the Healing Hubs Charity will mark a year of the Alton Meeting Place with a buffet lunch and sing-song.

The AMP has been a huge success since it moved into Alton Rugby Club in September 2023 with its hosts providing sponsorship and support.

The Meeting Place opens its doors from 11am to 2pm every Friday with refreshments, activities, music and a light lunch being offered to attendees for £3, although donations are welcome.

“This space has become a place for socialising, connecting and enjoying time together,” said a spokesperson for the charity.

“We would like to invite the community to join us at the rugby club for a few hours of singing, fun, and a buffet lunch as we celebrate a year of providing a warm and friendly social environment for local people living in Alton.”

There’s more to The Meeting Place than Friday get-togethers as the good cause also offers brunch in collaboration with Orchard House on Tuesdays.

The brunch, offered from 10am until midday on a donation-only basis, provides a warm area to eat and socialise, while the charity also offers a Telephone Befriending Service through social prescribing teams.

Volunteers are always welcome, for more details about the Healing Hubs Charity and its work either pop along this Friday or visit www.thehealinghubs.org.uk