The judges have named their winners in this year’s Haslemere Christmas windows competition.

The judging panel of the Bishop of Dorking, Bishop Jo Bailey Wells, rector Chris Bessant, town crier Christian Ashdown and Julie Fox were not deterred by the wind and rain on judging day on Monday.

After three hours walking the length of the town from the museum to Past and Present, all windows had been seen. Bishop Wells was particularly impressed with the windows dressed by junior schools.

The most festive prize went to Dylan’s – which not only had a good window but a real-life nativity scene, with baby, Mary, Joseph and shepherds played by the children of the staff and two goats.

The most stylish window was awarded to Allen Avery, and the most complementary to the shop’s business prize went to Venturi Vision.

Runners-up were Little Locks dressed by Shottermill Infant School, Anya Accessories and the Haslemere Bookshop.

Highly commended were Marley Flowers, the Hair Chair, Haslemere Information Hub, Curated Living, No.1 Charter Walk dressed by Grayswood School, and George Rain.

The community vote was won by Oliver’s coffee shop, with second place going to Haslemere Library.

The competition was sponsored by four local churches – St Bartholomew’s, St Christopher’s, St Stephen’s and All Saints Grayswood – which funded all the prizes, advertising and marketing.

Organiser Rev Justin Manley-Cooper said: “What a success – I can’t thank enough all those who helped. Once again, the community spirit of Haslemere is plain for all to see.

“Everyone from our very youngest has pulled together to make Haslemere a festive centre and create new conversations, which are the strands that pull communities together.”