Alton School has saved the best to last as its final GCSE results day was a record breaker.

School is out for good off Anstey Lane as the former convent closed this summer, bringing nine decades of first-class education to a close.

But it finished on a high with the best results since the introduction of the 9-1 grading system half a decade ago.

Alton School GCSE Results Day 2024 PIC2
Shock and delight at the last ever GCSE results day at Alton School (Alton School)

Nearly 20 per cent of all grades were 9 – the highest possible – while 60.3 and 98.4 per cent of grades were 9-7 or 9-4, respectively on a bittersweet day for the school.

The remarkable results achieved by an “exemplary year group” have also been hailed as a fitting tribute to the legacy of Alton School.

“This is a wonderful way to end the educational journey at Alton School,” said headmaster Andrew Reeve in expressing his delight at the results.

“The results are testament to the hard work of the pupils and also to the dedication of staff.”