Staff and parents at a nursery in Alton are set for a fairytale ending after a 13-year campaign to get a safe crossing for its children

A puffin crossing is set to be installed near the junction of Anstey Road and Anstey Mill Lane as EHDC has allocated £100,000 of developer funding to the scheme.

The news has thrilled Laura Smart and the team at Enchanted Nursery as she’s fought to get a “proper crossing” installed at the junction since she became manager in 2012.

She said: ‘We’re just waiting for the logistics meeting to happen, and we’ve been told that’s going to be around autumn.

“I’ve been campaigning for eleven years on and off and I’ve always been told there was next to no possibility.

“We’re just hoping it will happen before the winter nights but we’re super-pleased as it’s been such a long time coming,” added Laura before thanking Nigel Johnson for his help in promoting the campaign and “fighting her fight”.