PUPILS at St Lawrence Primary School marked the end of term last Friday with a special Easter celebration as they took part in a re-enactment of the events of holy week.
The children were joined on this special journey by families and friends.
Led by Reverend Andrew Micklefield, everyone assembled in the school playground, waving homemade palm leaves and flags to welcome Jesus (a member of St Lawrence Church) as he entered Jerusalem on that first Palm Sunday. Pupils needed no encouragement to shout “Hosanna” as loudly as they could.
The Last Supper was staged in the car park of the parish centre where Jesus was joined by 12 year five pupils, the apostles, to share the bread and wine before leaving for the garden of Gethsemane. Jesus knelt before a large grave as his apostles drifted into sleep. All were startled by the arrival of Roman soldiers – year four pupils equipped with realistic swords, who arrested Jesus and marched him away.
Next was Peter’s denial of Jesus, the temple courtyard being situated under a large oak tree, starring year six pupils as Peter and his interrogators. Then the scene shifted to an adjacent grassy area where the crowd was asked who they wanted released: Jesus or Barabbas (a conscripted father from the crowd).
The one little boy who shouted “Jesus” was immediately drowned by shouts of “Barabbas” from everyone else. A delighted Barabbas quickly left the scene while Jesus was led away to be crucified, carrying his cross.
Golgotha was situated near the entrance to the church and as Jesus stood with his arms outstretched, Rev Micklefield recounted the final events of Good Friday.
Leaving the lonely figure of Christ outside, everyone else entered St Lawrence Church where year three pupils read prayers they had written for Easter week.
After singing For God so Loved the World, the service ended with Rev Micklefield talking about what happened next, hinting at the Resurrection.
Deputy headteacher Fiona Micklefield said: “This was a really moving service and one which everybody there will remember.”