Students at Treloar’s in Holybourne can keep planting in an accessible greenhouse following a housebuilder’s donation.

It has been adapted for wheelchair access so students can access it and tend to plants at an appropriate height.

Treloar’s continuously fundraises to cover the £5,000 annual cost of running the greenhouse. Its efforts have been boosted by a £1,750 donation from Miller Homes.

Andy Brown, corporate partnerships manager at Treloar's, said: “The greenhouse is a brilliant outdoor space for the students and the tables are all at the appropriate height so that they can get their hands into the soil and understand how to plant and grow.

“Students’ education and care is funded by their local authority but we must fundraise continually to support initiatives like the greenhouse, which brings so much enjoyment to our students every day.

“We’d like to thank Miller Homes for the donation, which is greatly appreciated and will help us to keep the greenhouse up and running.”

David Brown, managing director of Miller Homes Southern, said: “This donation is part of our Community Fund initiative, which was set up to help fund projects which improve our local communities, and bringing joy to the students at Treloar’s by supporting their greenhouse is a wonderful example of this.

“Well done to them all on their thriving greenhouse, and we’re glad we could offer our support.”

Treloar’s is looking to work with businesses to give its students insight into the world of work. For more information email [email protected]