The first crop circle of 2024 has appeared – much to the excitement of an East Hampshire woman considered an expert in the field.

It’s recent appearance in a Wiltshire field comes ahead of Lucy Pringle’s latest crop circle tours with two dates confirmed for the next month.

The Sheet woman is one of the world’s leading authorities on crop circles having amassed more than 800 reports and accounts over the decades.

The first crop circle of 2024 was discovered close to Wilton Windmill, around six miles south east of Marlborough, while several appeared in Hampshire last year.

The phenomena is nothing new as antiquarian historian and philosopher John Aubrey spoke in the 17th century of being “perplexed by green circle on the downs in Wiltshire”.

“Over the years, I have been collecting reports sent to me by people who have visited the circles,” said Lucy.

“I now have the largest data base in the world with more than 800 reports, some telling me how unexpectedly their lives have been changed for the better.

“Having such a large number of reports reveals there can be little doubt the ‘energy’ within the circles is having an effect even on the most sceptical of people.  

“Many has been the time when a total sceptic has entered a circle only to come out a complete convert.”

She added: “Electrical failures are numerous, cameras and mobiles have failed – but have recovered when they leave the circle - and on one occasion even the hard drive of a computer was wiped clean much to the devastation of its owner.”

Lucy is running crop circle tours on July 25 and August 1 for people who would like to learn more but spaces are filling up. For more details or to book a place email [email protected].