Phyllis Tuckwell is looking ahead to the summer months, when flowers are blooming, bees are buzzing, and its Open Gardens event throws wide its gates.
Phyllis Tuckwell’s Open Gardens invites the green-fingered among us to open their garden gates and welcome in members of the public to browse and admire their gardens, for a small fee which would be donated to Phyllis Tuckwell.
Gardens of any size or design can be part of this event, and Phyllis Tuckwell is particularly looking for unique and interesting gardens which will attract lots of visitors.
You might have a courtyard filled with terracotta pots bursting with blooms, or a few countryside acres with woods and a pond.
Many of the gardeners who have taken part in the past have also sold refreshments and plants to boost the money raised for the hospice.
The Open Gardens event includes gardens across west Surrey and north-east Hampshire, and will take place between May and August 2023. To find out more, call Phyllis Tuckwell’s fundraising team on 01252 729446 or email [email protected]