One of Alton’s greatest groups is building for the future after celebrating a decade of caring in the community.

Birthday cake was recently on the menu at the Assembly Rooms as well-wishers and volunteers marked ten years of Dementia Friendly Alton.

A week of events took place to mark the milestone with highlights including live music, dancing and a host of interactive activities.

Home Instead also brought their Dementia Bus to increase awareness and give people an experience of what it’s like to live with the condition.

There was also a friendship lunch and networking event with visitors trying their hand at new age kurling and boules.

They probably saved the best to last as they showcased their creativity during an Arts in the Park event in the Public Gardens as their birthday coincided with the Alton Arts Festival.

“It was so special for our members to be a key part of this community festival,” said a spokesperson for DFA after the group previewed their artwork at the event.

“Thank you so much to the Alton Arts Festival team for making it so inclusive and accessible.”

More recent events have included an excursion on the Watercress Line and Olympic-themed activities at Alice Holt Forest while the group has also lodged plans to make slight alterations to their Assembly Rooms premises.

Owners Alton Town Council have given permission for DFA to apply for minor changes, with proposals including the conversion of a toilet into a shower and partitioning to create new office rooms.