BORDON food bank has noticed “a marked increase” in the number of people requiring food parcels in recent weeks.

As a result, its stores are now running low – and it is urgently appealing to the community to help re-stock its shelves.

In particular demand are tinned meat products, spaghetti, tomatoes and soup (other than tomato), as well as cook-in sauce, pasta sauce, biscuits and cakes, cereals, rice and pasta sauce snack meals, jam and other spreads, shower gel, baby food, washing detergent and dog food.

Donations can be dropped off at Tesco or Wilkinson’s, or direct to the food bank at the Forest Centre (Tuesday 1pm to 4pm, Wednesday and Thursday 1pm to 3pm).

Maureen Holden, from the charity, posted online: “Again, this week, sincere thanks from all involved with the food bank – the volunteers and even more from the people who are helped by it.

“We had the highest number of clients during the lockdown, as you would expect.

“Many people who were shielding for existing health conditions or isolating because of high risk in the family and unable to get out to shop, turned to us for help and food was delivered to them.

“At the end of lockdown there was a small drop in numbers needing help but in the past two weeks there has been a marked increase again and is likely to get higher as employment is affected.

“Our stores are running low and any help you are able to give is greatly appreciated.”

Visit or call 07966 522911 for more up-to-date information.