A golden era has ended in a village near Alton as plans to convert a former pub into housing have been approved.

Time has been called on the Golden Pot as plans to create four homes on the corner plot in Shalden were recently approved by district councillors.

The existing building will be converted into a family home with outbuildings being demolished to make way for three detached houses.

The application by D&M Planning Ltd was unanimously approved by the EHDC planning committee despite some local objections with most councillors accepting the pub is no longer viable.

But there were some gripes – with one councillor suggesting the scheme is a missed chance to make the “incredibly dangerous” crossroads safer with Hampshire Highways raising no objection.

Cllr Mike Steevens also suggested that EHDC needs tougher policies when it comes to pub conversions amid doubts over marketing and viability. 

Applicants must carry out a marketing process to prove there’s been no interest from possible landlords but questions about the rigorousness of the process are often raised.

Cllr Steevens said: “I think we’re going to get a lot of applications with the pubs shutting down and I think the council really needs to look at how they are being marketed.

“I don’t have a problem with this one because I know it’s run down and I think it’s inevitable it would be done.”

Shalden Parish Council urged the committee “to be strong” and reject the plans, citing a negative impact on the countryside, the dependence on cars and the low housing gain.

But there were no objections with councillors being reminded of its previous incarnation as a Turkish restaurant and Cllr David Ashcroft calling the pub “a failure”.

He added: “It’s a good use of the site and we needed the housing.”