As school runs go, 1,161 miles is pretty hefty.

But that’s the distance pupils at an East Hampshire school will attempt to walk, cycle, run or scoot before June 7 in support of their Ukrainian counterparts.

Binsted Primary School pupils will collectively attempt to virtually cover the distance between the village and the Ukrainian border.

They are going the distance in support of CCLL: The Helping Hand for Ukraine and their bid to provide essential school supplies for youngsters in the stricken country.

The school has shown a lot of Lviv to the charity since the uncle of a Year 5 pupil talked to youngsters about their KIDZ 4 KIDZ appeal to help Ukrainian children in need.

The charity based at Hartley Park Farm near Selborne has provided trips and support to Ukrainian children in the Chernobyl fallout zone for more than 30 years.

But Covid and the outbreak of war has increased the demand for support, with many Ukrainian children missing out on good education because of power outages, bombing and a lack of basic resources.

The charity wants to deliver 500 rucksacks, donated by close allies School In a Bag and containing essential school supplies, to Ukraine but needs a hand as CCLL receives no government support and relies on donations.

The good cause has the staunch support of their Hartley Park landlords, Simon and Nick Butler, who also run Barn-Store Alton and The Lavender Fields. They have donated £1,000 to kickstart the appeal and to also kit out the rucksacks with clothes, torches, basic medical supplies and other desperately needed items.

Binsted Primary School has set up a fundraising page with a £1,000 target, if you would like to sponsor a pupil on their virtual journey to Ukraine then visit