A sum of £15,000 has been set aside for ecological survey work at Kings Pond by Alton Town Council.

This was agreed by full council on November 6 following a councillor briefing workshop on October 23.

At the workshop Cllr Don Hammond gave a presentation on survey work carried out under the Kings Pond Feasibility Study project, which began in January 2023 with a £25,000 budget. Of that, £21,782.50 has been spent.

The council wanted the extra £15,000 for additional ecological survey work to be able to submit applications for any major works to the Environment Agency and East Hampshire District Council.

Cllr Hammond said: “There is a preliminary ecological assessment to decide what else is needed for Environment Agency and East Hampshire District Council approval.

“We’ve been very careful about the expenditure so far but we have just about gone through the money allocated last year. The £15,000 would cover all the ecological survey work, but it’s very seasonal.

“For example, the over-wintering birds survey needs starting now, and there is also a breeding birds survey. It’s good to get these surveys under our belt for when things are needed.”

Cllr Matthew Kellermann said: “I’m concerned with the rather vague signing off of £15,000 of public money. We have no idea how much the surveys are going to cost. Creating an arbitrary buffer of £15,000, I feel, is irresponsible.”

Cllr Graham Hill said: “Cllr Kellermann would like to micro-manage a £15,000 project. That’s unnecessary. Give discretion to the town clerk. It wasn’t necessary for the first £25,000.”

Cllr Kellermann replied: “I don’t think it’s micro-managing, just not being irresponsible with public funds.”

The motion to provide £15,000 was passed on a recorded vote, with Cllr Kellermann voting against.